Tuesday, November 12, 2013


This week on the course website, it says to work with your group members to fix some of our older work. I started to revise my booklet that I made in Microsoft Word.
Looking back at this project, I noticed the text was aligned funny, the pictures were out of order, and it lacked color. I think when I saved the original, it got messed up somehow.
The first thing I did to fix this project, was I added a background color. I made my booklet a travel booklet for my home county, Elk County. I added a nice, simple green background. It helps the booklet stand out, and the color is appropriate. The color doesn't hurt the eyes, or take away from the content.
The second thing I did was change the colors of the fonts. Some of the colors I used were now hard to see since I changed the background color. I like the font colors better now that they have a background to go with.
Next, I fixed the pictures. I deleted some spaces and moved my pictures around. This helped add more meaning to the text that I had. For instance, I had a picture of one of the places to stay. I originally wanted the picture by the hotel name and address. It didn't save like this, so I fixed it. Now viewers will get more meaning out of it.
Then I realigned some of the text I had. I feel like now it flows better and is easier to read.
The final thing I did was I fixed my Table of Contents. I fixed the headers of the towns, and the listings below it. It is now so much easier to follow and makes more sense.
I like the idea of going back and seeing how you are able to improve your work. Sometimes it just takes someone elses perspective to help you out.

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